AI face creator for photo anonymization

AI face creator for photo anonymization

EraseID enhances photos by merging aesthetics and privacy, allowing commercial use without exposing biometric data. Unlike blurring, it preserves the image’s narrative and overall appeal.

EraseID enhances photos by merging aesthetics and privacy, allowing commercial use without exposing biometric data. Unlike blurring, it preserves the image’s narrative and overall appeal.

A young girl wearing a black choker necklace and a white shirt smiling at the camera. Anonymized with eraseid
A young girl wearing a black choker necklace and a white shirt smiling at the camera. Anonymized with eraseid
logo swap face

AI-based anonymizer

Swap faces using advanced AI.

logo sketching a person fragmented in pixels to visualize the generative ai power

AI Face creator

Craft faces with our AI technology.

logo of a pencil

Expressions changer

Edit emotions online with precision.

man outdoor pictureman outdoor picture

Anonymize faces

De-identify individuals

A young girl with pigtails, smiling and holding a large inflatable globe, stands outdoors with trees in the background. The face and hair were AI-generated by EraseID.A young girl with glasses, smiling and holding a large inflatable globe, stands outdoors with trees in the background. The face and hair were AI-generated by EraseID.
woman in gym dressed with equipment for fencingwoman at the gym fencing



woman in white dress. generative face fillwoman in white dress. generative face fill
schema to show how eraseid can be integrated with api

Integrate OUR api

AI Facial expressions changer

AI face generation

AI Hairstyle changer

logo eraseid

Because privacy is a right, not a privilege


Can a generated face look like an existing person?

Our model produces diverse, bias-free synthetic identities. Given the model’s vast parameter range, the chance of replicating an existing human’s identity is almost nil. While a generated face might have a slim chance of resembling a real person, users should evaluate each similarity individually.

Do you store my images in the Web application?

We store your generated photos safely on third-party servers in the European Union. We keep them for 24 hours, unless you choose to retain them longer.

Can the original face be retrieved after anonymization?

No, unlike blurring or pixelation, our software removes the original facial data entirely. Replacing the face permanently deletes the original information, ensuring robust privacy with no underlying data left to uncover.

How does the software differ from face blurring or pixelation?

Our software preserves a photo’s narrative and aesthetic better than blurring or pixelation. While it conceals identity, expressions remain unchanged. Traditional methods like blurring might diminish the image’s quality and prompt curiosity, potentially leading to attempts to recognize the concealed individual.

Does the software work on group photos with multiple faces? 

Yes, after uploading to EraseID, it detects all visible faces. Users select faces to anonymize, and the software replaces them with new ones, blending them seamlessly. It can also handle faces close together.

Is there any loss in image quality after the de-identification process? 

No. If the face in the photo exceeds 512×512 pixels, users can upscale it to 4,000×4,000 pixels.

What is a model release? 

A model release is a legal form permitting commercial use of someone’s image, ensuring legal compliance like GDPR. It outlines permissions and provides identification. For advertising, you can sidestep this need by using tools like EraseID, which effectively anonymizes photos. Quickly replace real models with artificial, realistic ones.

Are there options for varying levels of anonymization? 

Yes, this feature is available in our beta version, accessible to our early-stage users. If you’re interested in testing it, please contact us at